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Morning Plenary Sessions

Fruitful or Fearful?with Jared Thurmon

What is your primary moti­va­tion for living a con­trar­ian lifestyle? Is it ok for that moti­va­tion to change?

Healthy Soil, Healthy Lifewith Jared Thurmon

Are you giving as much atten­tion to your phys­i­cal health as you are to the health of your soil?

Kings & Queenswith Jared Thurmon

What is the future of agri­cul­ture? Where are the oppor­tu­ni­ties on the horizon?

Growing Better ____________.with John Dysinger
1 hour and 30 minutes

Journeys in Agriculture

God is in His Holy Templewith Robert & Michelle Sullivan
1 hour and 30 minutes

From city to coun­try­side and from the office to the farm. This pre­sen­ta­tion shows how God is faith­ful and can ALWAYS be trusted.

I Come to the Garden Alone—Being Single & Living in the Countrywith Franklin Cobos
1 hour and 30 minutes

Choos­ing to live in the country as a single person creates a subset of chal­lenges that can seem very over­whelm­ing, but there is hope in patience and per­se­ver­ance! Dr. Cobos will describe both his bless­ings and the chal­lenges met in his journey as he has endeav­ored to create a home san­i­tar­ium out of an aban­doned cabin in the woods, a place he now calls home and where others come for healing.

From City People to Country Folk!with Carlos & Lissette Hernandez
1 hour and 30 minutes

Our fam­i­ly’s lifestyle, includ­ing our chil­dren’s, has taken a 360 degree turn since our big move from the city. Come and listen to how the Lord took a busi­ness­man and a teacher from the rat race in the city to the green pas­tures of Tennessee.

Homesteading Track

Cultivating Country Cash: Crafting a Thriving Rural Livelihoodwith Lucia Tiffany

Explore ways to turn your life expe­ri­ence and skills into a stream of income that can support you even in a rural location.

Beginning with Animals on the Homesteadwith Dylan Wagoner and Mandy Wagoner

Why raise animals? What are the best animals for the begin­ner’s home­stead? How can animals help the home­stead? How to prepare for owning animals? We will share our suc­cesses and fail­ures, the good, the bad, and the cuddly!

Heating with Wood from Start to Finishwith Franklin Cobos

If you have never heated your home with wood, or are start­ing out and find it chal­leng­ing, this class is for you. We will discuss how and where to get wood, what types are most desir­able, briefly cover chain­saw selec­tion, basic safety prin­ci­ples, and main­te­nance issues, as well as cover other steps you must take before you are finally able to sit at home enjoy­ing the warmth of wood heat.

The Preparation & Use of Medicinal Herbs for Home Gardenerswith Walt Cross
Beginner Intermediate

This class will look at how to start or strengthen one’s exist­ing med­i­c­i­nal herb garden through cus­tomiz­ing herbs which are based on one’s family and neigh­bor’s health needs.

The Basics of Building Your Own Solar Systemwith Eric Zaddock

This class will cover the basics of how systems work, types of systems, how to assess your energy needs, system plan­ning, com­po­nents, and bud­get­ing, basic design, how to pur­chase, and basic installation.

Making it the Sweet Waywith Joash Batista

In this class we will be learn­ing the basics of pro­duc­ing the purest all natural sweet­en­ers, maple syrup. From the tree to the table, we will cover every aspect and skill set required for making maple syrup includ­ing a busi­ness twist pur­suant of mar­ket­ing capac­i­ties for revenue generation.

Preserving Under Pressure!with Liz McLennan
Demo Beginner

Become com­fort­able pre­serv­ing the bounty from your garden! Learn the simple steps to safely pres­sure canning your produce so that you can eat from your garden year-round.

A Dip into Natural Dyeingwith Kelli Dysinger
DemoHands-on Beginner Additional Fee
1 hour
20 person limit
$25.00 per person

Come expe­ri­ence this hands-on class and learn how to create a rainbow of colors from flowers, berries, and veg­eta­bles. We’ll go over what dye plants you can easily grow in your own garden, and how to easily iden­tify some common dye plants that grow wild. 

Note: Fee only applies to HANDS-ON option. Others may watch demo without paying addi­tional fee.

Boosting Kids’ Emotional Intelligence (EQ) In the Gardenwith Krystin Henley

In this class you’ll learn how gar­den­ing can boost Emo­tional Intel­li­gence (EQ) in chil­dren, gain resources to help engage kids’ EQ, iden­tify char­ac­ter strengths that can be enhanced, and dis­cover the hand model of the brain as a strat­egy for emotion reg­u­la­tion with kids. 

Three Keys to Successful Homesteadingwith Jared Thurmon and Annette Thurmon

We learned 3 things along the way that we now believe are the most essen­tial details for a begin­ner or someone already on the journey.

Homesteader's Networkingwith Chad & Fadia Kreuzer

Are you feeling a need for genuine con­nec­tion with others on the country living journey? If you are cur­rently home­steading or are wanting to home­stead, please join us for a fun and cre­ative time where you will connect with your own! 

Home Gardening Track

Plan It, Grow It, Eat It!with Darlene Keith
King's Chapel

Learn how to make a simple plan for your garden! This class will discuss where, when, and how much to plant and will include prac­ti­cal how-to infor­ma­tion, sug­ges­tions, and resources.

Seed Starting Tricks: How to Start Seedlings That Thrivewith Paul Dysinger
King's Chapel

Tired of failed seed start­ing exper­i­ments? Come dis­cover tried and true methods of start­ing your own plants that will not only survive, but thrive.

Super Simple, Savvy Soil Blockingwith Brianna Beckner
DemoHands-on Beginner Additional Fee
1 hour
20 person limit
$60.00 per person
King's Chapel

Do you want to give your trans­plants the best start in life? Then say hello to the soil-block! Come learn why this simple, eco­nomic method pro­duces the health­i­est trans­plants around!

Fee only applies to HANDS-ON option (includes a soil blocker to take home). Others may watch demo without paying addi­tional fee.

Dying of Thirst? Making Sure Your Parched Plants are Suitably Satiatedwith John Dysinger
King's Chapel

In this class we will take a broad look at irri­ga­tion options for the home gar­dener — giving the pros and cons for each, and showing hands-on examples.

Beating the Botanical Besiegementwith Daniel Nicholls
King's Chapel

Are you weeding or are you cul­ti­vat­ing? What’s the dif­fer­ence? Do dan­de­lions tell you some­thing about your soil? Is it pos­si­ble to get rid of morning glory? Learn the answers to these and many more ques­tions as we talk about a chal­lenge that every gar­dener faces: weeds.

Winter Harvest Secrets: How to Extend Your Growing Seasonwith Paul Dysinger
King's Chapel

Summer har­vests are great, but there’s nothing like cool weather winter crops. Come dis­cover the secrets of extend­ing your season without break­ing your pocketbook.

Soil Health for the Home Gardenerwith Seth Shaffer
King's Chapel

Healthy soil is a foun­da­tion for a healthy garden and nutri­tious plants. In this class we will learn the basics of how to build, main­tain and improve the soil in your garden for a boun­ti­ful harvest.

The Perpetual Harvest Hack: How to Grow a Continual Harvest All Year Roundwith Paul Dysinger
King's Chapel

Would you like the idea of har­vest­ing fresh food out of your garden every single week of the year? Oh yeah! Come dis­cover how to make this dream a reality.

Save that Seed!with Darlene Keith
Beginner Intermediate
King's Chapel

Which seeds can you save? This class will discuss open-pol­li­nated vs hybrids, pol­li­na­tion, cross-pol­li­na­tion, col­lect­ing seeds, and seed storage. It will include prac­ti­cal how-to infor­ma­tion, sug­ges­tions, and resources.

The Ultimate Pest Control Formula: How to Beat Bugs Organicallywith Paul Dysinger
King's Chapel

Bugs and other garden pests can really wreck your garden in no time. Come dis­cover a simple formula to not only deal with but prevent pests in your garden!

Market Gardening Track

Starting a Farm without Experiencewith Robert & Michelle Sullivan
Cypress (Woodland Lodge)

Want to start a prof­itable farm and have no expe­ri­ence, perhaps even no money or infra­struc­ture? We will show you how you CAN farm from a grass­roots level.

"We grew it! Now what do we do with it?"with Daniel Nicholls
Beginner Intermediate
Cypress (Woodland Lodge)

Farmer’s markets, CSAs, restau­rants, whole­salers, school cafe­te­rias… There are many ways to sell your produce but which one should you do? In this class, we’ll go over what to con­sider for the various busi­ness models that a market farm can adopt and how to find which one (or com­bi­na­tion) is right for you.

Harvesting Success: Strategic Marketing Basics for Farmerswith Lucia Tiffany
Beginner Intermediate
Cypress (Woodland Lodge)

How to use tested and tried mar­ket­ing prin­ci­ples to increase the impact and reach of your farm products.

Red Sky at Night, Farmer's Delight? Learning to Read the Weather Betterwith John Dysinger
Cypress (Woodland Lodge)

In this class we will look at under­stand­ing all the major weather factors influ­enc­ing your garden — focus­ing on those that you can actu­ally have some control over!

Post Harvest Secrets for the Market Gardenerwith Seth Shaffer
Cypress (Woodland Lodge)

We have all been here. We harvest, beau­ti­ful nutri­tious crops, and a few hours later they look like they are halfway to the compost pile. How do we pre­serve and extend the shelf life of our crops? Come to this seminar to find out.

3 Keys to Juggling Your Market Garden Like a Prowith Ricky Seiler
Beginner Intermediate
Cypress (Woodland Lodge)

Growing a market garden is like being a juggler, there are so many balls in the air but how do you handle them all suc­cess­fully? Dis­cover a 3‑step game plan to help you become a pro­fes­sional market gar­dener” juggler.

The Cold Hard Truth About Winter CSAwith Joshua Dysinger
Cypress (Woodland Lodge)

In this class we will be diving into winter growing, and what it takes to keep a CSA thriv­ing through the winter months.

When Efficiency Makes You Enjoy Your (Farm) Lifewith Eunice Schendel
Beginner Intermediate
Cypress (Woodland Lodge)

In this session we will discuss prac­ti­cal ways to make every­day farm and garden tasks more fun and effi­cient using systems like lean man­age­ment, stan­dard­iza­tion etc.

A Balancing Actwith Chett & Melissa Clayton
Beginner Intermediate
Cypress (Woodland Lodge)

Working full-time, raising a family, being active in church, and growing our farm busi­ness, cer­tainly feels like a jug­gling act most of the time. Come hear some of the things that we have learned along the way and how we fight for balance and main­tain our sanity (mostly).

Maintenance and Repair of the Most Important Farm Tool: Your Bodywith Maritza McKinney, PT, DPT
Beginner Intermediate
Cypress (Woodland Lodge)

An intro­duc­tion and overview on mus­cu­loskele­tal injuries on the farm. We will cover why injuries happen, how to heal from them and what to do to prevent them. We will discuss specif­i­cally injuries from repet­i­tive motions, wrong moves, strains, and pos­tural issues with ergonomic con­sid­er­a­tions. Your body can thrive right along with your farm!

Special Interests Track

Sourdough Bread Made Simplewith Elijah Batista
Demo Beginner Additional Fee
1 hour
$15.00 per person
Spring Chapel

Learn how to make won­der­fully tasty, nat­u­rally raised sour­dough bread by fol­low­ing a few simple steps and under­stand­ing a bit of the science behind how it works.

Addi­tional fee is optional for pur­chas­ing starter.

Irresistible Basilwith Darren Greenfield
Spring Chapel

This low cost crop gen­er­ates good returns as cus­tomers get a whiff of the won­der­ful aroma. This class will cover how to start from seed, prepare the soil, know when to harvest and how to keep the harvest going right through the summer without having to replant. You will also learn tech­niques for effi­cient har­vest­ing and how to keep the bunches fresh looking for several weeks.

Microgreens 101 - Part Onewith Robert & Michelle Sullivan
Spring Chapel

This is a begin­ner level class where we will share how we broke into the Micro­green market and how you can get started too.

Microgreens the Next Level - Part Twowith Robert & Michelle Sullivan
Spring Chapel

Every­thing you need to know about growing micro­greens. We will share more tech­ni­cal infor­ma­tion in this pre­sen­ta­tion as well as how to deal with pathogens, adver­tis­ing, mar­ket­ing, pack­ag­ing and every­thing else you need to make it a success.

Cultivating Gourmet and Medicinal Mushroomswith Kenny Point
Spring Chapel

Gourmet mush­rooms are easy to grow and incred­i­bly pro­duc­tive both indoors and out. Dis­cover tech­niques that you can use to trans­form spent organic matter into amazing edible or med­i­c­i­nal mushrooms.

Raising Ginger and Turmeric for Home or Marketwith Kenny Point
Beginner Intermediate
Spring Chapel

Ginger and Turmeric are not just for trop­i­cal cli­mates, come and learn the secrets for growing these tasty and health­ful crops even if you live in a North­ern growing region.

Understanding Hoop House Gardeningwith Adner Abreu
Spring Chapel

Want to extend your growing season? This class will cover dif­fer­ent types of hoop houses, growing methods, and ben­e­fits of each to help you choose the best option for you

The Art Of Growing Greenhouse Tomatoeswith Adner Abreu
Spring Chapel

This class covers the basic prin­ci­ples of growing green­house toma­toes whether you are looking to grow for your own family or for profit.

Edible Flowerswith Robert & Michelle Sullivan
Spring Chapel

Have you ever thought about growing Edible Flowers? Edible Flowers have been our second most prof­itable crop when sold along­side Micro­greens. You will learn which flowers are in fact edible and how they can be used, pack­aged and sold amongst other things.

Dutch Oven Cooking Demowith Howard Fisher
Demo Beginner
Spring Chapel

You can cook any­thing in a Dutch oven! Learn how to cook it here and take the knowl­edge home. The sky is the limit — your ances­tors did, and so can you.

When Farming Leads Souls to Jesuswith Eunice Schendel
Spring Chapel

In this session you will get ideas and prac­ti­cal exam­ples of how you can make your farm or your garden into a soul-winning center of influence

Flower Farming Track

Forever Flowers: How to Make Beautiful Flower Arrangements That Can Last a Life Time!with Larry & Michelle Lesher
Demo Intermediate

In this class I will share with you the flower vari­eties that dry well and I will spend time demon­strat­ing how to make dried flower arrangements.

Peonies, The Most Profitable Perennial!with Larry & Michelle Lesher

In this class we will share our expe­ri­ence with growing, har­vest­ing, dry-storing, selling and main­tain­ing our 1,000 peony plants.

    Why are Spring Flowers So Popular? The Pros and Cons of Growing Speciality Spring Flowers.with Larry & Michelle Lesher

    Here we will share with you all the details involved in growing Ranun­cu­lus and Anemones.

    Marketing, An Evangelistic Opportunity!with Larry & Michelle Lesher
    Beginner Intermediate

    Adver­tis­ing your product is an impor­tant piece to selling what you grow! Our goal in mar­ket­ing is cen­tered on the oppor­tu­nity to bring out the parable of God in the beauty of nature!

    True Education Track

    True Education: Is It Really That Simple?with Joshua White

    Just hearing the words true edu­ca­tion” can make parents feel over­whelmed. What do I do? How do I start? And can someone please give me a cur­ricu­lum? This session will give parents and teach­ers a prac­ti­cal path to fol­low­ing God’s beau­ti­ful plan.

    True Education—a Way of Lifewith Joshua White

    God’s ways are all-inclu­sive, designed to affect every part of our lives. The true beauty of God’s plan of edu­ca­tion is dis­cov­ered when it is expe­ri­enced as a lifestyle. This session will prac­ti­cally help parents and teach­ers follow true edu­ca­tion as a way of life.

    Ready...Set...GROW! Engaging Our Students in the Gardenwith Marci Postell

    Explore the why” and how” of engag­ing stu­dents in agri­cul­ture. Unwrap ways to invite the hearts of your stu­dents into the garden to meet their Savior and grow with purpose!

    Ask the Teacher (Panel Discussion)with Joshua White

    Expe­ri­ence is a great teacher – and we learn even more when we listen to the expe­ri­ence of others. If you are a home­school parent or class­room teacher, this is for you. Bring your ques­tions and learn from our panel of expe­ri­enced parents and educators.

    Institutional Agriculture Track

    From Zero to 100: Starting the Institutional Farmwith Christopher D. Carey

    Move from idea to getting your insti­tu­tional farm running. Learn how to grow vision, who to engage, how to engage others, and what addi­tional steps to take.

    Making Yourself Replaceablewith Daniel Nicholls

    You are one-of-a-kind and no one could pos­si­bly replace you. But if you work at an insti­tu­tional farm, someone will even­tu­ally. Let’s talk about how you can make that process as smooth as pos­si­ble for your insti­tu­tion and how this can even help now with train­ing current staff.

    Farm Synergy: Finding More Missional Valuewith Christopher D. Carey

    If your farm is just about plants, you got it wrong. Extract all the ben­e­fits your farm has to offer by learn­ing how the farm adds value to your organization.

    Advanced Track

    Turning Tomatoes Into Profitwith Adner Abreu
    Dogwood (Woodland Lodge)

    This class covers essen­tial tech­niques for growing green­house toma­toes for large, con­sis­tent pro­duc­tion. If you are looking to grow green­house toma­toes for market, this class is for you.

    Optimizing Your Greenhouse Productionwith Adner Abreu
    Dogwood (Woodland Lodge)

    Ready to under­stand how green­house oper­a­tions really work? This class will cover steps and prin­ci­ples to help you opti­mize your green­house and make it a success story! 

    Deep Dive into Cover Crops: Developing a System that Works for Youwith John Dysinger
    Intermediate Advanced
    Dogwood (Woodland Lodge)

    Cover crop­ping is one of the easiest and cheap­est ways to build soils, but how do you make it work for you in an effi­cient way? The first hour will focus on all the com­po­nents of a cover crop­ping system and the second hour will focus on devel­op­ing the system — with special empha­sis of no-till cover cropping.

    Pest Managementwith Michael Trevizo
    Dogwood (Woodland Lodge)

    Intro­duc­tion to various garden and farm crop pests, and the appro­pri­ate inte­gra­tion of com­mer­cially avail­able preda­tory and par­a­sitic organ­isms and other ben­e­fi­cial insects.

    Hands-on Classes

    Chainsaw Maintenance & Repair Workshopwith Franklin Cobos
    Hands-on Beginner Additional Fee
    2 presentations, 2 hours and 15 minutes each
    12 person limit per presentation
    $100.00 per person

    Never used a chain­saw before? Did you find it dif­fi­cult to get it running, or did it never cut well again after the chain became dull, or, worse yet, it would­n’t cut straight even after you bought a new chain? This class will help you gain the con­fi­dence you need to take care of a chain­saw without much help from the dealer or repair shop. Hands on instruc­tion will cover chain sharp­en­ing, bar main­te­nance, fuel and oil issues, and perhaps most impor­tantly, safety con­sid­er­a­tions during use.

    Stu­dents may bring their own saws to prac­tice on, or rely on seeing/​using the instruc­tor’s (Stihl 180 (16″ bar), Stihl 250 (18″ bar), DeWalt 14” electric).

    Round and flat files will be pro­vided to stu­dents (Correct choice of round files vary based on the chain size; flat files are uni­ver­sally applic­a­ble regard­less of chain­saw size/​type.)

    Small Engine Repair Basicswith Jonathan Dysinger
    Hands-on Beginner Additional Fee
    2 presentations, 3 hours each
    12 person limit per presentation
    $125.00 per person

    In this class, we will dive into the basics of engine theory (how an engine works) and then use that knowl­edge to teach you how to diag­nose an engine problem. This will be a hands-on course where par­tic­i­pants can learn on real equip­ment like mowers, weed-eaters, chain­saws, etc. Come with cloth­ing that you don’t mind getting dirty!

    Weldingwith Michael Trevizo
    Hands-on Beginner Additional Fee
    2 presentations, 3 hours each
    8 person limit per presentation
    $130.00 per person
    Outdoors-Behind Gym

    This is a begin­ners class and will include infor­ma­tion helpful for decid­ing what kind of welder to get for your budget. You will learn about various types of welding and what com­pan­ion tools are nec­es­sary. Safety is of vital impor­tance and will be an inte­gral part of the class. A large part of the 3 hour class will be hands on prac­tice with men­tor­ing to get you started right.

    Those who enroll in this class must bring with them:

    • a welding helmet, prefer­ably with auto dark­en­ing (brand Miller or Lincoln rec­om­mended as reputable)
    • welding gloves
    • fully enclosed leather boots with no poly­ester tongue or breath­ing vents
    • cotton long loose pants that will go over the boots
    • cotton long sleeve shirts
    • jacket that can be used around sparks and not melt
    • 412″ angle grinder, cutting discs, flap disc and wire wheel (if you have them please bring them)
    • safety glasses are a must!
    • You must be 15 and older to take this class
    Grafting Your Own Fruit Trees!with Weston Adams
    Hands-on Beginner Additional Fee
    2 presentations, 1 hour each
    20 person limit per presentation
    $25.00 per person

    If you want to prop­a­gate your own fruit trees, you must learn to graft! Learn the what, why, and how of graft­ing, and take home enough sup­plies to get started this year!!

    Kid's Track

    Dutch Oven Cooking: Ages 5-9with Howard Fisher
    Gym Classroom A

    Small Group hands-on activ­ity for kids to learn how to cook simple food in a Dutch oven that they can enjoy eating!

    Mighty Microgreens! Ages 5-9with Pam Dysinger and Caleb Dysinger
    Gym Classroom A

    Caleb Dysinger (a micro­green farmer) and his mom, Pam (a farmer’s wife) will open your eyes not only to how mighty” micro­greens are but also how mighty” chil­dren are! They may be small but they are mighty!

    Dutch Oven Cooking: Ages 10-14with Howard Fisher
    Gym Classroom B

    Small Group hands-on activ­ity for kids to learn how to cook simple food in a Dutch oven that they can enjoy eating!

    Mighty Microgreens! Ages 10-14with Pam Dysinger and Caleb Dysinger
    Gym Classroom B

    Caleb Dysinger (a micro­green farmer) and his mom, Pam (a farmer’s wife) will open your eyes not only to how mighty” micro­greens are but also how mighty” chil­dren are! They may be small but they are mighty!

    Cutting Board/Charcuterie Boardwith Kyle Neuroh
    Hands-onKids Additional Fee
    2 parts, 3 hours total
    15 person limit
    $50.00 per person
    Picnic Pavilion

    This option will focus on using smaller boards or one larger board to create cutting boards/​charcuterie boards. Includes adding dec­o­ra­tive inlays and some carving. Student will take home a small chisel, carving tool and mallet and create one board.

    Sign Making—Scroll Sawwith Kyle Neuroh
    Hands-onKids Additional Fee
    2 parts, 3 hours total
    15 person limit
    $110.00 per person
    Picnic Pavilion

    This option will focus on using a scroll saw to make signs, orna­ments, or key­chains etc. using a scroll saw. Cost for this tract includes a scroll saw you can take home with you! The goal is to learn how to lay out a make at least one or more of the afore­men­tioned items.

    Wood Carving—Spoon Makingwith Kyle Neuroh
    Hands-onKids Additional Fee
    2 parts, 3 hours total
    15 person limit
    $50.00 per person
    Picnic Pavilion

    This option will focus on using hand tools to carve and shape wood into a spoon, or other useful items. Student will receive a basic carving tool set, along with some wood blocks, cut resis­tant gloves and strop for sharp­en­ing. The goal is to finish a serving spoon.

    Bodacious Birds! Ages 5-9with Dylan Wagoner
    Gym Classroom A

    In this inter­ac­tive class, we will discover:

    • The anatomy of birds 

    • How to iden­tify many types of birds with sight and sound

    • How to start your own birding hobby

    • How to attract ben­e­fi­cial birds, includ­ing a real bird­house example and free plans for some species-spe­cific bird houses

    • Free bird iden­ti­fi­ca­tion handout 

    • Sur­prise giveaway 🙂

    Farm Dog Training: Ages 10-14with Kory & Jessica Meidell
    Gym Classroom B

    Obe­di­ence as demon­strated by Search and Rescue K‑9s.

    Bodacious Birds! Ages 10-14with Dylan Wagoner
    Gym Classroom B

    In this inter­ac­tive class, we will discover:

    • The anatomy of birds 

    • How to iden­tify many types of birds with sight and sound

    • How to start your own birding hobby

    • How to attract ben­e­fi­cial birds, includ­ing a real bird­house example and free plans for some species-spe­cific bird houses

    • Free bird iden­ti­fi­ca­tion handout 

    • Sur­prise giveaway 🙂

    Farm Dog Training: Ages 5-9with Kory & Jessica Meidell
    Gym Classroom A

    Obe­di­ence as demon­strated by Search and Rescue K‑9s.

    Bee Not Afraid Ages 5-9with Michael Kevin Johnson
    Gym Classroom A

    Learn more about these fas­ci­nat­ing insects, bee-havior” in nature and hives, ben­e­fits of honey, how they help us, how they see and learn what can we do to help them! And learn how to Bee Not Afraid” of them.

    Veggie Detective: Ages 10-14with Pam Dysinger
    Gym Classroom B

    How well do you know your veg­eta­bles? In this class we will be showing chil­dren the wide variety of beau­ti­ful, deli­cious and nutri­tious food God has given us to grow for our enjoy­ment and health.

    Bee Not Afraid Ages 10-14with Michael Kevin Johnson
    Gym Classroom B

    Learn more about these fas­ci­nat­ing insects, bee-havior” in nature and hives, ben­e­fits of honey, how they help us, how they see and learn what can we do to help them! And learn how to Bee Not Afraid” of them.

    Veggie Detective: Ages 5-9with Pam Dysinger
    Gym Classroom A

    How well do you know your veg­eta­bles? In this class we will be showing chil­dren the wide variety of beau­ti­ful, deli­cious and nutri­tious food God has given us to grow for our enjoy­ment and health.

    Ropes as Tools: Kids ages 10-14with Kory & Jessica Meidell
    Gym Classroom A

    Know your knots!

    Strawberries in December? Ages 5-9with Pam Dysinger
    Gym Classroom A

    In this class chil­dren will learn what types of produce grow at dif­fer­ent times of the year and why. Come walk through the growing cal­en­dar and see what fruits and veg­eta­bles grow during the dif­fer­ent seasons.

    Ropes as Tools: Ages 5-9with Kory & Jessica Meidell
    Gym Classroom A

    Know your knots!

    Strawberries in December? Ages 10-14with Pam Dysinger
    Gym Classroom B

    In this class chil­dren will learn what types of produce grow at dif­fer­ent times of the year and why. Come walk through the growing cal­en­dar and see what fruits and veg­eta­bles grow during the dif­fer­ent seasons.

    Flower Pressing: Ages 5-9with Mandy Wagoner and Dylan Wagoner
    Gym Classroom A

    Learn what flowers and plants are best for press­ing and which ones don’t work as well! We’ll find flowers around us that we can use in the flower press and do a fun project with pressed flowers!

    How to Handle Farm Emergencies: Ages 10-14with Kory & Jessica Meidell
    Gym Classroom A

    Lac­er­a­tions, broken bones, CPR, and emer­gency moves/​carries

    How to Handle Farm Emergencies: Ages 5-9with Kory & Jessica Meidell
    Gym Classroom B

    Lac­er­a­tions, broken bones, CPR, and emer­gency moves/​carries

    Yum! Creative Flavorful Funwith Janet & Sarah Brandauer
    Gym Classroom B

    In this hands-on class you will learn to make fla­vor­ful fun with healthy ingre­di­ents. Easy kid friendly recipes. Share Jesus’ love from your garden and kitchen.

    Build a Harvest Basketwith Kyle Neuroh
    Hands-onKids Additional Fee
    1 hour and 30 minutes
    25 person limit
    $30.00 per person
    Picnic Pavilion

    This activ­ity will consist of assem­bling pre-cut pieces to create a basket for har­vest­ing veggies and fruits. Chil­dren will be glueing, sanding and apply­ing a food safe oil to their baskets, and also have the oppor­tu­nity to cus­tomize their project with a family name or drawing. 

    Appro­pri­ate for age 5+ with ages 5 – 10 requir­ing someone older to assist.

      All About Beans!with Darlene Keith
      Gym Classroom A

      Dis­cover the amazing colors, shapes, and sizes you’ll find in the bean family, learn how to grow and use them cre­atively not only in your kitchen but also in art!