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Tuesday Evening

Welcome and Get Acquainted
Main Hallin Worship Center

Join us Tuesday evening as with kick off the con­fer­ence with engag­ing get-acquainted activ­i­ties where you’ll meet other atten­dees, the AdAgrA team, and get an intro­duc­tion to what our lineup of speak­ers have up their sleeves! 


The Ideal Homestead: Country Living with a Missionwith Chad Kreuzer
Main Hallin Worship Center

God has a plan for His people in the last days, Shall not the cities be warned? Yes; not by God’s people living in them, but by their vis­it­ing them, to warn them of what is coming upon the earth.” — Letter 182, 1902. How can we be directed by the Spirit to find our country prop­erty as a mission center for God’s last day message? We will dis­cover prac­ti­cal steps that can help us find our ideal, God-directed, country home.

Homestead Harmony or Country Catastrophewith Tom & Alane Waters
Main Hallin Worship Center

How to know when or if your family is ready to make the move to the country. Nav­i­gate the tran­si­tion while keeping your mar­riage healthy.

Growing No-Spray Fruit on a Budgetwith Weston Adams
Main Hallin Worship Center

Pes­ti­cides and fungi­cides are no fun. Let’s talk prac­ti­cally about growing lus­cious, NO-SPRAY fruit crops in the chal­leng­ing South­east­ern climate, and let’s explore some incred­i­ble cost-saving start-up tactics.

"Rocket" Food Dryerwith Jeff Birth
Main Hallin Worship Center

Hands-on class where we will build a very simple, very effec­tive, passive solar food dryer using simple mate­ri­als avail­able any­where. Use for home­steading, mission work, or when you can’t find jar lids. Uses inge­nu­ity, not electricity.

Shepherding with Lovewith Sarah Brandauer and Janet Brandauer
Main Hallin Worship Center

Learn about dif­fer­ent sheep breeds, shelter, feeding, par­a­site man­age­ment, preda­tors, injuries, shear­ing — all from a natural per­spec­tive and real life expe­ri­ence. Gain prac­ti­cal insight to the Heav­enly Shep­herd’s heart.

Home Spun Fun: From Sheep to Textilewith Sarah Brandauer and Janet Brandauer
Main Hallin Worship Center

We’ll discuss various fibers and ways to process/​clean them. See demos of spin­ning, weaving, felting with exam­ples of useful items you can make your­self: hats, fomen­ta­tion pads, scarves, rugs…

All You Need to Know About Money on an Index Cardwith Alistair Huong
Main Hallin Worship Center

Every­one has to deal with money, but finan­cial illit­er­acy is crip­pling an entire gen­er­a­tion. The good news is that money doesn’t have to be com­pli­cated. In fact, the key prin­ci­ples needed to achieve finan­cial fitness can all fit on an index card. This seminar will explore prac­ti­cal Bib­li­cal prin­ci­ples on how to get control over our finances without the complexity.

Moving to the Country: Personal Finance Considerationswith Alistair Huong
Main Hallin Worship Center

We’ve all heard the admo­ni­tion to move to the country. But what are the finan­cial factors to con­sider? How do I know if I’m ready for such a move? Is it already too late? What does country living” even mean? This seminar will seek to demys­tify some of the common ques­tions and prac­ti­cal con­cerns regard­ing tran­si­tion­ing to the country.

The Secret Walmart in the Woodswith Dylan Wagoner
Main Hallin Worship Center

We will dis­cover and expe­ri­ence some of the most nutri­tious and med­i­c­i­nal wild plants from various regions and cli­mates! Plus, we will cover finding wild plants, using them, and even devel­op­ing our own wild edible/​medicinal garden and seed­bank! Samples and visual aides will be provided!

Garden Grown Kidswith Chantée Fisher
Main Hallin Worship Center

Teach­ing chil­dren resilience, enthu­si­asm, good work ethic and other char­ac­ter lessons in the fertile soil of the garden.

Foods to Grow in Difficult Timeswith Chad Kreuzer
Main Hallin Worship Center

Often when gar­den­ing we focus on popular fresh produce crops such as toma­toes, cucum­bers, greens etc. Growing food for a well-bal­anced diet to sustain us during dif­fi­cult times such as when it will be dif­fi­cult to buy and sell” takes some extra plan­ning! What are the top foods that can give us ample nutri­tion for our fam­i­lies, even in smaller spaces? How does this reflect faith­ful­ness on our part?

Home Gardening from A-Z

Intro to the Home Garden & Planningwith Angela Ford and Cherie Duffield
Soil Preparation & Weed Managementwith Angela Ford and Cherie Duffield
Getting Your Garden in the Groundwith Angela Ford and Cherie Duffield
Tips for Staple Cropswith Angela Ford and Cherie Duffield
Bringing in the Harvestwith Angela Ford and Cherie Duffield
A Holistic Approach to Pest Pressure & Plant Diseaseswith Angela Ford and Cherie Duffield
Extending the Seasonwith Angela Ford and Cherie Duffield

Starting a Market Garden

A Bird’s-Eye View of Market Gardeningwith John Dysinger and Pam Dysinger

What is Market Gar­den­ing? Why does AdAgrA promote it so ardently? Can you really make a living” doing it? These and other ques­tions will be answered in this overview of the subject.

5 Ways to Design Your Market Garden for Successwith Ricky Seiler
Cabin #5

Whether you are just think­ing about start­ing a market garden or have been growing for years, how you design your total garden area can make a massive dif­fer­ence in your success and work load. Dis­cover 5 crit­i­cal ques­tions to answer when design­ing your growing area to help make your farming life happier and easier.

Growing Better, Not Biggerwith Ricky Seiler
Cabin #5

How much land do you need to make-it as a market garden? More market gar­den­ers are now growing on less land yet making more money than before. Truth is, when your plants grow better, every­thing is better. Dis­cover 4 key ways to grow better, more pro­duc­tive plants, on less land than ever before.

The Perpetual Harvest Hackwith Paul Dysinger
Cabin #5

Dis­cover how to grow a con­tin­ual harvest of fresh food all year long (or greatly extend your growing season) without going crazy trying to keep track of what to do or when to do it.

Can You Grow Lettuce, Kale, Thin-Skinned Cucumbers and Other Cooler Loving Veggies in the South during the Heat of the Summer?with Alan Seiler and Ricky Seiler
Cabin #5

So your plants are looking good in April and May…than June, July and August hit. Tem­per­a­tures go up and your plants go down. Is there a low cost way to help cooler-loving plants thrive in the heat of the summer? Join a father and son team from Bet­ter­To­gether Farm in Okla­homa as they share their journey to help tip nature in favor of the plant” in the heat of the summer.

How to Manage Nitrogen, In Just 15 minutes, with an On-Farm Testwith Alan Seiler
Cabin #5

Nitro­gen. It’s the king of all ele­ments. It’s the N in N‑P-K. Yet for many market gar­den­ers they strug­gle to know what this most impor­tant element level is in real time. Not any more. Learn how to perform an on-farm test to give you an accu­rate nitro­gen reading. No more pulling soil samples to mail off to get results back in a few days. Get your nitro­gen results in 15 minutes to help make your plants happy.

Growing Healthy Transplants for Efficiency and Profitabilitywith John Dysinger
Cabin #5

Trans­plant pro­duc­tion is one of the key­stones of market gar­den­ing; it can also be a prof­itable value added product on it’s own. We will look at the how and why.

Harvest Managementwith Luke Fisher
Cabin #5

How to manage the har­vest­ing process to promote maximum effi­ciency, main­tain excel­lent quality, and use your current resources to their great­est potential.

Marketing Your Producewith Luke Fisher and Chantée Fisher
Cabin #5

Learn how to use cre­ativ­ity and per­se­ver­ance in finding mar­ket­ing outlets, Farmers Markets, CSAs, restau­rant, and online sales; where to look, how to present your­self, build a cus­tomer base, do market research and decide on mar­ket­ing strat­egy. decid­ing what to grow

Building Your Market Displaywith Caleb Dysinger
Cabin #5
Tips and Techniques for Farmer’s Marketwith Pam Dysinger
Cabin #5

Farmer’s Markets are a great way to get started in Market Gar­den­ing. We will look at tips and tech­niques for success; from set up to take down, and every­thing in between.

Soil Fertility Fundamentals

Soil Fertility Fundamentals: What Could Possibly Go Wrong?with Whitmar McConnell
Poolside Conference Room

We will address the char­ac­ter­is­tics of a healthy pro­duc­tive soil and what you need to know to get and keep it that way.

Soil Fertility Fundamentals: Chemistry is Foundationalwith Whitmar McConnell
Poolside Conference Room

Learn the what, why and how of good chem­istry and its effects on soil physics and biology and, ulti­mately, its effect on plant health and productivity.

Soil Fertility Fundamentals: External/Environmental Influenceswith Whitmar McConnell
Poolside Conference Room
Soil Fertility Fundamentals: Soil Biology—The Ultimate Objectivewith Whitmar McConnell
Poolside Conference Room

Learn how to achieve a vig­or­ous and diverse soil biology that leads to a highly func­tional soil and supe­rior food pro­duc­tion. Included in the dis­cus­sion will be the role of Carbon fertility.

Flower Farming

Flower Farming Basicswith Allyson Fisher Lambert
Bass Conference Roomin Cedar Bluff Lodge

Learn the basics of flower farming and how to get started without break­ing the bank.

Dahlias: From Tuber to Bloomwith Allyson Fisher Lambert
Bass Conference Roomin Cedar Bluff Lodge

Learn the nitty gritty of how to grow, divide and sell this incred­i­bly popular flower.

Heirloom Chrysanthemums and Peonieswith Allyson Fisher Lambert
Bass Conference Roomin Cedar Bluff Lodge

Learn how to extend your growing season by growing heir­loom mums and peonies. 

Agritourismwith Allyson Fisher Lambert
Bass Conference Roomin Cedar Bluff Lodge

Learn about a fun way to diver­sify your farm’s income. Sun­flower fields, pumpkin patches, edu­ca­tional oppor­tu­ni­ties, the public is eager to visit your farm!

Special Interests

Organic Potatoes: Soil to Belly—the Lord's Waywith C. Jeffrey Bragg
Conference Roomin Worship Center

Pota­toes are one of the most diverse staples, but unknown to house­holds that they can be grown any­where. Jeff Bragg wants to teach a basic under­stand­ing of their various growing methods. They can be grown locally-even in a house and/​or garden. The world is a safer place with zero waste organic seed.

Growing Your Own Small Grains and Beanswith Mark Chuljian ll
Conference Roomin Worship Center

Have you dreamed of growing not only fruits and veggies but also your own protein and car­bo­hy­drate sources? This class will give an overview of how to raise small grains and beans to help com­plete the garden menu!

The “Up and Up” on Greenhouse Trellisingwith John Dysinger
Conference Roomin Worship Center

Green­house space is valu­able real estate; growing ver­ti­cally max­i­mizes this space, plus so much more! Come learn trel­lis­ing tech­niques for toma­toes, peppers, cucum­bers and eggplant.

Farming Efficientlywith Caleb Dysinger
Worship Center

This class will cover the basic prin­ci­ples of lean farming” and share prac­ti­cal ways to increase effi­ciency and pro­duc­tiv­ity on your farm.

Growing and Using Cornwith Daniel Nicholls
Conference Roomin Worship Center

Can you feed your family for a year with ¼ acre of corn? Prob­a­bly! Come learn some of the basics of growing field corn and dif­fer­ent ways to prepare it.

Making Nixtamal—Tortillas and Hominywith Daniel Nicholls
Conference Roomin Worship Center

Nix­ta­mal­iza­tion! Come learn what this word means and why it is impor­tant if you plan for corn to be a major part of your diet (and maybe sample a tortilla).

Washing Machine to Salad Spinner Conversionwith Joshua Dysinger
Worship Center

A demon­stra­tion of the methods and tech­niques needed to convert a washing machine into a labor saving salad spinner.

Building a Greens Bubblerwith Joshua Dysinger
Conference Roomin Worship Center

A hands on class demon­strat­ing how to build a simple greens washing bubbler that will save hours on your market farm.

Growing Fruit from Eden: Figs for the Home Gardenerwith Alistair Huong
Conference Roomin Worship Center

The quin­tes­sen­tial Bib­li­cal fruit, figs were found in the garden of Eden, used by God to illus­trate Israel’s reward in the Promised Land, and fea­tured in Jesus’ para­bles. There’s a reason why this nutri­tion-packed morsel of jammy good­ness is gaining pop­u­lar­ity around the world. So since you will never find a good fig in the grocery store, come to this seminar to find out how to grow these lus­cious fruits to enjoy in your own home garden.

Make a Germination Chamberwith Mark Chuljian ll
Conference Roomin Worship Center

See how to trans­form a freezer into a perfect envi­ron­ment for baby plants to emerge, whether the weather outside is too cold or too hot and dry!

Berry Basics for Beginnerswith John Dysinger
Conference Roomin Worship Center

Berries are healthy and loved by (almost) all. They can also be grown in most areas of the country. Come learn the basics on black­berry, blue­berry, rasp­berry and straw­berry production.

True Education and Agriculture

Homeschool: Parent's Opportunity, Children’s Privilegewith Angelica Gomide
Poolside Conference Room

What does God expect of home­school­ing parents? How can we balance the scholas­tic and prac­ti­cal work, effec­tively manage our time, and fulfill the require­ments of the law all while faith­fully reach­ing God’s ideal in True Edu­ca­tion? These and other ques­tions will be explored.

Inside Out--Cultivating the Heart of Your Childwith Tom & Alane Waters
Poolside Conference Room

In a world that’s upside down we need to work from the inside out in our children’s edu­ca­tion to produce the fruits of success both tem­po­rally and eternally.

Institutional Farming: The Whywith Daniel Nicholls
Poolside Conference Room

We agree that schools and lifestyle centers need farms but do we agree why? Gain tools to ask your­self or your insti­tu­tion why have a farm — and if it is ful­fill­ing its purpose.

Institutional Farming: The Howwith Daniel Nicholls
Poolside Conference Room

Should all farms look the same? Do all insti­tu­tional farms have to look the same and run the same? Learn how to make your farm meet the needs of your ministry.

In Business for the Kingdom

Turn It Over. The Plowshare of Businesswith Kelly Coffin
Bass Conference Roomin Cedar Bluff Lodge

What does it take to engage in mission cen­tered busi­ness? What is the focus to be? How is success defined, and most impor­tantly, what must be lost to achieve it? Here we’ll look at lessons from agri­cul­ture and prin­ci­ples of plowing applied to business.

Tear It Apart. The Harrow of Businesswith Kelly Coffin
Bass Conference Roomin Cedar Bluff Lodge

What does employee man­age­ment mean within a mission cen­tered busi­ness? Is there a dif­fer­ence? Is there a model for culture? How is success defined and what are the prac­ti­cal steps nec­es­sary to facil­i­tate it? Have you ever tilled a field? Here we’ll look at some prac­ti­cal ele­ments of har­row­ing and their appli­ca­tion to man­age­ment in the mission of business.

Developing Entrepreneurship in Childrenwith Jonathan Dysinger
Bass Conference Roomin Cedar Bluff Lodge

Do you want to encour­age and support your chil­dren in busi­ness endeav­ors but don’t feel like you know how? This class will give you prac­ti­cal tips for helping your chil­dren create a suc­cess­ful busi­ness model and advice to help them avoid common mistakes.

Agriculture and Health

How does agriculture relate to health ministry?

The Doctor’s Farmwith David Emerson
Poolside Conference Room

Dig Deeper! Stretch! The Emerson Clinic was started by a doctor/​nurse couple on a 120 acre farm. Soon it turned into The Doctor’s Farm when they com­bined the Medical Prac­tice with Nutri­tional Coun­sel­ing, and Agri­cul­ture (growing and selling their produce). Come learn how you, too, can take the next steps of lis­ten­ing to God’s voice in com­bin­ing agri­cul­ture with medical mis­sion­ary work

Small Scale Agriculture in the Home Sanitarium Settingwith Franklin Cobos
Poolside Conference Room

Learn how your home may be used to immerse guests in the unique bless­ings found in a rural and agrar­ian Seventh-day Adven­tist lifestyle.

First Aid on the Farmwith David Emerson
Poolside Conference Room

Ready to dig deeper and learn hands-on skills for medical emer­gen­cies on the farm? Snake and spider bites, bee stings, aller­gic reac­tions, ana­phy­lac­tic shock, heat exhaus­tion, heat stroke, acci­den­tal poi­son­ings; abra­sions, cuts, punc­ture wounds (step­ping on nails), broken bones; splint­ing skills, how to put a farm first aid kit together and more! Make your farm a much safer place by rec­og­niz­ing and addressing“accidents waiting to happen”. See how this can trans­late into rec­og­niz­ing spir­i­tual wounds and being aware of the skills to address these as well.

Youth Track: The Heavenly Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurship, teamwork, prayer, bible study, outreach, personal development, and Mentorship. This year’s youth track will encompass these 7 principles. Be prepared to learn, be inspired and challenged to come higher with your experience with God as we explore what it is to be a HEAVENLY Entrepreneur.

What is a Heavenly Entrepreneur?with AdAgrA FLAME
Bass Conference Roomin Cedar Bluff Lodge

Learn the foun­da­tional blocks needed to become a truly suc­cess­ful entre­pre­neur with lim­it­less poten­tial as you coop­er­ate with God as your busi­ness partner. Small inter­ac­tive dis­cus­sion groups will explore Choice, Com­mit­ment, Con­sis­tency and Resolve in light of the term Heav­enly Entrepreneur.”

Class includes:

  • Small group break­out discussion
  • Team build­ing activity
    You are Uniquely and Wonderfully Madewith AdAgrA FLAME
    Bass Conference Roomin Cedar Bluff Lodge

    To every human being God has designed an indi­vid­u­al­ity and a dis­tinct work.” Learn more about your unique per­son­al­ity type, how it affects your life calling, and dis­cover Bible char­ac­ters who share your per­son­al­ity type! Small group activ­i­ties will help you master the art of inter­act­ing and under­stand­ing people that are dif­fer­ent from your­self, thus improv­ing the way you impact and connect with others.

    Class includes:

    • Small group break­out discussion 
    • Team build­ing activity
    • Short assess­ment.
    Why I Grow: How Does Agriculture Impact My Future?with AdAgrA FLAME
    Bass Conference Roomin Cedar Bluff Lodge

    Join Abigail Shaw, agri­cul­ture con­sul­tant and founder of Flor•ish Farms, and Keith Hankins, author, market farmer and con­sul­tant, as they speak about how agri­cul­ture has shaped their lives. Learn the impor­tance of knowing your purpose in agri­cul­ture and how it impacts your future life. You won’t want to miss this inspir­ing talk. 

    Class includes:

    • Inter­ac­tive Q & A session 

    • Hand­outs

    Your Success Depends Upon This ONE Talentwith AdAgrA FLAME
    Bass Conference Roomin Cedar Bluff Lodge

    Join Cristina Felea in a dynamic class where you will learn about the ONE talent God requires the strictest account of, how it impacts your goals and dreams, and how to develop it. In this class you will get the exact tools you need to improve it and use them in your daily life.

    Class includes:

    • Small group break­out discussion
    • Hand­outs


    Active Learning Time for Kids: Dig Deep & Rescue Just One More!with Kory & Jessica Meidell
    Riverside Room

    Rope rescue: rappel harness, knots, anchors.

    Big Bad Bold Beautiful Bugswith Dylan Wagoner
    Riverside Room

    An excit­ing journey into the world of bugs! We will explore how to encour­age good bugs, and how to reduce bad bugs! Visual and tactile aids will be included!

    Build a Wren Housewith Scott Learned
    Hands-on Additional Fee
    1 hour and 30 minutes
    20 person limit
    $25.00 per person
    Cabin #9

    In this class you will build a cedar wren house that you can take home and enjoy.

    Hands-On Planter Projectwith Scott Learned
    2 presentations, 1 hour each
    Cabin #9
    The Lord is My Shepherdwith Sarah Brandauer and Janet Brandauer
    2 presentations, 1 hour each
    Riverside Room

    Learn lessons from real life shep­herd­ing and how the shep­herd wins the heart of his sheep. Have fun learn­ing about these special animals while making your very own weaving project

    Active Learning Time for Kids: Dig Deep & Rescue Just One More!with Kory & Jessica Meidell
    Riverside Room

    Emer­gency patient moves & carries.

    A Fantastic Feast in the Forestwith Dylan Wagoner
    Riverside Room

    A FREE nutri­tious tasty meal awaits you in the wild! From dif­fer­ent regions, we will dis­cover how to iden­tify many edible plants and some med­i­c­i­nal ones as well!

    Build a Solitary Bee Housewith Scott Learned
    Hands-on Additional Fee
    1 hour and 30 minutes
    20 person limit
    $35.00 per person
    Cabin #9

    In this class you will build a soli­tary bee house so you can help the bees while wit­ness­ing up close their amazing work and life cycles. These pol­li­na­tors will improve your garden yield. You will be able to take your bee house home to enjoy.

    Not Tying? Why Knot?with Robert Norris
    Riverside Room

    Gar­den­ing, camping, building…there are many occa­sions that you’ll need to know how to tie things up or down. Come and learn dif­fer­ent ways to tie knots for a variety of tasks.

    Innovation and the Business of Youthwith Kelly Coffin
    Riverside Room

    For now and eter­nity we’re only given a few, pre­cious years of youth. How can I make the most of it? What might I expect in the future and can I con­tribute to it? Am I too young to give this con­sid­er­a­tion? Most impor­tantly, what does inno­va­tion look like in God’s eyes and what is my busi­ness regard­ing it? Geared toward kids ages 10 – 14.

    Active Learning Time for Kids: Dig Deep & Rescue Just One More!with Kory & Jessica Meidell
    Riverside Room

    Medical: assess­ment, stop the bleed, splint­ing, open airway.

    A Garden for Allwith Allyson Fisher Lambert
    Riverside Room

    A class devoted to teach­ing kids the basics of growing plants and helping them learn to love gardening!

    Fire Makingwith Robert Norris

    Learn many ways to make fire, from the prim­i­tive to the unusual. No lighter and your matches are wet? Try one of these other methods.

    Hands-on Classes

    Make Your Own Collinear Hoewith Isaac Chuljian
    Hands-on Additional Fee
    2 presentations, 1 hour each
    10 person limit per presentation
    $35.00 per person
    Behind Worship Center

    Want to try a hand at making your own tools? In this class you will get expe­ri­ence in cutting, drilling, tapping (thread cutting), and assem­bly using common tools, to fab­ri­cate your own collinear hoe to take home (a $50+ value)!

    The Collinear hoe makes elim­i­nat­ing weeds quick and enjoy­able. A draw hoe, it is meant to be used while stand­ing upright, which enables you to quickly achieve a weed-free bed without having to bend over. Espe­cially adapted for use in and around low-lying crops.